Because some brands add the word “western” when packaging timothy hay, it has led to confusion among small pet owners. Western timothy hay and timothy hay are one and the same. The term “western” does nothing more than identify where the grass is grown. Western timothy hay simply comes from the western region of the United States.
Is Western Timothy Hay The Only Type Of Timothy Hay I should Feed?
Although Small Pet Select purchases timothy hay from the Western region of the United States, timothy hay from other areas of the country are also safe for small pet consumption. However it is true that the Pacific Northwest has a favorable climate for growing and harvesting timothy hay. In addition to the ideal climate, there is a large industry for exporting timothy hay from the Pacific Northwest with the large amount of it going to racehorses and dairy cows in Japan. Because there is a large demand from these overseas buyers, the Pacific Northwest happens to grow harvest more timothy hay than anywhere else in the world…and thus there is also a large selection of high quality timothy hay to choose from (weather permitting, of course).
Just as important as the region where the hay is grown, is whether or not the grass has been harvested from the 1st, 2nd or 3rd cutting. Ideally, you want to purchase timothy grass from the second cutting, as it tends to be fresh smelling, soft, green and easy for small animals to digest. There is nothing like opening a fresh box of timothy hay and seeing your small pet happily start munching away! When the hay is fresh your pet’s instinct will kick in and the rest occurs as nature intended.
Western Timothy Hay From Small Pet Select
At Small Pet Select we focus on purchasing timothy hay produced in the Pacific Northwest from the second cutting. This ensures that you are receiving soft, green hay that is high in fiber and perfect for your pet’s overall health. Try not to focus too much on western timothy hay vs. timothy hay…this is really not the most important option to consider. Above all, focus on quality to make sure that your pet is getting all of the rich nutrients it deserves.
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